The first script package will be created to automate the installing of the application during the pattern deployment process. 创建第一个脚本是为了在模式部署期间自动完成应用程序的安装。
In this article, the authors share some of those secrets with virtual pattern developers to guide them through their pattern development process. 在本文中,作者将与虚拟模式开发人员一起分享这些秘诀以指导他们完成其模式开发过程。
Do this in the initial dialog panel during the pattern clone process as illustrated in Figure 18. 在模式克隆过程中在初始对话框面板中执行该操作,如图18所示。
3D Design and Automation of Vacuum and Low Pressure-Expendable Pattern Casting Process Product Line 真空低压镁合金消失模铸造生产线的三维设计及自动控制
Abstract: A simplified pattern making process that workpiece is reproduced to make casting directly is introduced. 文摘:介绍了一种用样件直接翻制铸件的简易制模工艺。
This text attempts to provide the blueprint of the pattern process software system of remote sensing, offer reference and basis for further development and design. 本文试图给出遥感图像处理软件系统的蓝图,为进一步的开发与设计提供参考和依据。
In this paper the gas gap in the expendable pattern casting process was studied and the relation between the gas gap and collapse defect is discussed. 对消失模铸造铸铁件流动前沿的气隙进行了研究,探讨了气隙与坍塌缺陷的相互关系。
The characteristics and advantages of expendable pattern casting process with dry sand and vacuum are briefly introduced. 本文简述了真空实型铸造工艺的特点和优点。
This subject is devoted to utilizing various kinds of existing ripe algorithms, to develop a remote sensing pattern process software system with comparatively complete function. 本课题致力于利用现有的各种成熟算法,来开发一个功能较为完备的的遥感图像处理软件系统。
Ecological effect of road network in the typical area of Yunnan Province based on integration of landscape pattern and process 基于景观格局与过程的云南省典型地区道路网络生态效应
Partitioning Pattern, Process and Regulation Mechanisms of Photosynthate of Winter Wheat under Different Water Treatments; Arrange production schedule, distribute the production capacity and material. 不同水分处理下冬小麦光合产物分配格局、过程及调控机制的研究生产安排,生产能力与物料分配。
Expendable pattern casting process and its application on petroleum machinery 消失模铸造及其在石油机械行业的创新应用
Survey of the Research on the Mold Filling of Expendable Pattern Casting Process 消失模铸造充型过程的研究进展及展望
The research status on the mold filling of expendable pattern casting process is reviewed from the aspects of mold filling characteristics, heat and mass transfer. 从充型特性以及传热和传质两个方面回顾了消失模铸造充型过程的研究进展。
The influence of wall charge on hexagon pattern forming process is also discussed. 还讨论了壁电荷在其形成过程中起到的作用。
Evaporative pattern casting process is suitable for the technology reformation in small or medium size foundry factory. 消失模铸造法可以应用于中、小型铸造车间的技术改造。
A simulation of soil erosion and prevention-control pattern in process of alpine grassland degeneration based on RS and GIS RS、GIS支持下高寒草原退化过程中土壤流失及治理模式仿真研究
The Privatization Pattern Process Management of Industrial Firms Under the Direct Jurisdiction of Yiyang Municipality 益阳市市直工业企业民营化模式及过程管理研究
The application of some of them in soil erosion science is discussed, including hierarchy theory and scale effect, percolation theory and source and pool system theory, pattern process system and landscape security patterns theory. 就等级理论与尺度效应、渗透理论和源汇系统理论、格局过程关系理论以及景观安全格局理论在土壤侵蚀学中的应用进行了探讨,证实了景观生态学原理在土壤侵蚀学中应用的可行性。
The technologies include thin film process, pattern process and etching process. According to the development of nuclear target technology, the paper gives an overview of the advanced micro fabrication technologies and indicates the possible application of the technologies in the fields of nuclear target preparation. 文章介绍了现代微加工工艺中的薄膜技术、图形技术以及刻蚀技术,根据核靶技术的发展,阐明了现代微加工技术在核靶制备领域的广阔应用前景。
Bordering on zero allowance casting technique is the trump card for foundry to compete with forging, powder metallurgy and plastic forming, and volatile pattern process and reverse gravity mold-filling will play an important role in this aspect. 近无余量铸造技术是铸造与锻造、粉末冶金、塑料成形等行业竞争的王牌,在这方面气化模和反重力充型方法起重要作用;
The content of this thesis studies is the measuring which based on computer vision technology circuit board defect of the machine, it mainly realizes with the pattern-recognition method through digital pattern process. 本论文研究的内容是基于机器视觉技术实现电路板缺陷的检测,主要是通过数字图像处理与模式识别的方法来实现。
In the pattern process of the computer, utilize MATLAB strong digital operation function, can carry on accurate and careful analysis to the structure of the micro-picture better. And it can provide people with gist while analyzing the figures and material capability. 在计算机图像处理中,利用MATLAB强大的运算功能,可以更好对显微图片结构进行准确而又细致的分析,从而能更好的为被显微的物体进行外形分析甚至材料性能分析提供判定依据。
In this paper, the limitations of the present computer design system ( PDS) are analysed. For getting rid manual pattern process, typical pattern design process is incorporated in PDS and the function of PDS is dea with. 本文指出现有服装样板设计系统(即PDS)的局限性,引入典型样板设计过程,为完善PDS功能作了探索,努力使服装成衣工业摆脱人工制作成衣样板的现状。
This text states and utilizes Visual C++ to carry on figure pattern process mainly, offers the result picture of the wood shaving raw material processing course of wafers to user, realizes processing course to make the three-dimension to reproduce. 本文主要探讨利用Visualc++进行图形图像处理,为用户提供长条薄片刨花原料加工过程的效果图像,并实现加工过程的可三维再现。
Study on In Pattern Process of Al 2O 3/ Al Composites Al2O3/Al复合材料型内处理成型工艺研究
Study on Infiltrating Vanadium Into Cast Steel by the Evaporative Pattern Process 铸钢件消失模型内渗钒研究
And under the never-ending change of the business pattern process, the new information system has to be based on an open and extensible architecture and a dynamic combination of business modules so that the information could be shared between the branches of the enterprise efficiently. 信息设备、通讯网络随着企业需求的变化,也在不断的更新和扩展中。企业信息系统建设必须适应发展过程,必须具有开放式体系结构,方便的信息资源共享,模块化的动态组合。
The lift-off process is not only suited to process narrow line, but also can avoid surface contamination of the film and greatly decrease the influence on superconducting properties in pattern process. 剥离工艺不仅适合于加工细线条,还可以避免成型过程对膜表面的污染及减小对超导性能的影响。